PRESCHOOL 1/YOUTH 1 (Ages 3-12)
Beginner level, no experience required.
Focus on improving your breaststroke technique. Perfect complement to regular group lessons.
Suited to children new to the water, fearful of water, or those who are transitioning to swimming independently (without parental assistance).
Must successfully complete Youth 5 or pass tryouts. Crawl stroke with alternate side breathing and backstroke (100 yards). Breaststroke with proper technique and timing (100 yards). Butterfly with proper technique combining arm movement, kick and breathing (25 yards). Dive from starting blocks.
PRESCHOOL 2/YOUTH 2 (Ages 3-12)
Submerge head in a rhythmic pattern (5 times). Front float, face-down and back float independently. Independent swim on front, face-down (20 feet).
Must successfully complete Pre-Competition or pass tryouts. Crawl stroke with alternate side breathing and backstroke with flip turns (150 yards). Breaststroke with proper technique and timing (150 yards). Butterfly with proper technique combining arm movement, kick, and breathing (50 yards). Dive from starting blocks.
PRESCHOOL 3/YOUTH 3 (Ages 3-12)
Front, face-down glide and back glide. Front crawl stroke with rhythmic breathing by rolling onto back (15 yards). Independent swim on back with flutter kick and horizontal body position. Backstroke (15 yards). Elementary backstroke (10 yards).
TEEN 1 (Ages 12-15)
For teens who are comfortable in water but haven’t had any formal lessons. Independent swimming is not required. Learn basic movements in the water including gliding, breathing techniques, basic freestyle, and backstroke. Introduction to breaststroke and butterfly skills.
PRESCHOOL 4/YOUTH 4 (Ages 3-12)
Crawl stroke with side breathing, backstroke and elementary backstroke (25 yards). Breaststroke with proper arm movement and kick (25 yards). Comfortable swimming in water up to 9 feet deep.
TEEN 2 (Ages 12-15)
Submerge head in a rhythmic pattern (5 times). Front float, face-down and back float independently. Independent swim on front, face-down (20 feet).
PRESCHOOL 5/YOUTH 5 (Ages 3-12)
Crawl stroke with alternate side breathing and backstroke (50 yards). Breaststroke with proper technique combining proper arm movement, kick and breathing (50 yards). Butterfly with proper dolphin kick (25 yards). Dive in kneeling and standing position. Tread water for 1 minute. Swim underwater (5 yards).